Complete QRPay Solution with All Add-ons Bundle

Setup or Install QRPay Multi Currency web and app

Follow these steps to install QRPay Multi Currency Application:

  1. Web Installation:
  2. Follow these steps:
    1. Minimum Requirements:
      1. Before installing Multi-Currency You must need to install QRPay v4.6.0 or later.
    2. Upload and Extract Update Files:
      1. After download the file from CodeCanyon
      2. Upload the [project name]-web-update-file-[version-to-version] files to your server in the expected directory.
      3. Extract the zip file inside the public_html path.
      4. Make sure to replace /path/to/your/project with the actual path to your project directory.
      5. Or you can follow the Website Version Update to update.
      6. You must need to Execute v1.0.0 Commands in Terminal.
      7. If all processes are successfully completed, then you are good to go.
    3. Execute Update Commands in Terminal:
    4. After uploading and extracting the update files, proceed with the following commands in your terminal.
      1. Update from v1.3.0 to v1.4.0:
      2. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      3. Update from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0:
      4. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      5. Update from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0:
      6. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\AppSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\BasicSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\CurrencySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\LiveExchangeRateSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ModuleSettingSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\SystemMaintenanceSeeder
      7. Update from v1.0.0 to v1.1.0:
      8. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\AppSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\BasicSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\CurrencySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
      9. Execute Commands in Terminal For v1.0.0:
      10. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\AppSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\BasicSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\CurrencySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
  3. App Update:
  4. Follow these steps:
    1. To update your app. Follow the steps:
      1. You can follow specific way to do those thing go to App Version Update

    This should guide you through the installation or setup of the QRPay Multi Currency.

Note: For assistance with installation or any issues related to the QRPay Multi Currency, please visit our AppDevs Support . Our support team is ready to help you with any queries or challenges you may encounter.

Free Support
  • Server Issues
  • DB Migration Issues
  • Configuration Issues
  • Project Issues
  • Reset Purchase Code (max 1 time)
  • Environment Setup
  • Deploy on Localhost
  • After Code Modification
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  • Installation
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  • iOS build
  • Update Template
  • Adding New Feature
  • API Integration and many more...