Complete QRPay Solution with All Add-ons Bundle

Setup or Install QRPay Phone Auth & Referral web and app

Follow these steps to install QRPay Phone Auth & Referral Application:

  1. Web Installation:
  2. Follow these steps:
    1. Minimum Requirements:
      1. First, you must have the QRPay project v4.9.0 or later, where you will add the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on.
      2. Note: We already have another add-on called QRPay Multi-Currency. If you are already using this add-on, ensure you integrate the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on with multi-currency compatibility.
    2. Upload and Extract Update Files:
      1. If you already have the QRPay scripts and want to add the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on you need to upload the add-on files to the main scripts.
      2. Note: For the Single Currency QRPay Script, use the file If you are already using our QRPay Multi-Currency Add-On use the file

        The process for updating the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on to SingleCurrency QRPay and Multi-Currency QRPay is the same, only the file assets and commands differ.

    3. If you successfully extract the files, go to your server‘s terminal section and run the necessary commands to update QRPay with the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on.
    4. Note: The commands for updating Single-Currency QRPay to the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on and Multi-Currency QRPay to the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on are different
      1. QRPAY Phone-Auth Multi-Currency Version: 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
      2. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      3. QRPAY Phone-Auth Multi-Currency Version: 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
      4. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      5. QRPAY Phone-Auth Multi-Currency Version: 1.0.0
      6. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\AppSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\BasicSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\CurrencySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\LiveExchangeRateSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ModuleSettingSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\PaymentGatewaySeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\SystemMaintenanceSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\SmsTemplateSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ReferralSettingSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ReferralLevelPackageSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\UpdateUser
      7. QRPAY Phone-Auth Single-Currency Version: 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
      8. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      9. QRPAY Phone-Auth Single-Currency Version: 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
      10. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\VersionUpdateSeeder
      11. QRPAY Phone-Auth Single-Currency Version: 1.0.0
      12. composer update && php artisan migrate

        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\AppSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\BasicSettingsSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\SmsTemplateSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ReferralSettingSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\ReferralLevelPackageSeeder
        php artisan db:seed --class=Database\\Seeders\\Update\\UpdateUser
    5. Once all commands are executed successfully, the update for QRPay with the Phone Authentication & User Referral Add-on will be complete. Finally, you will see a preview as shown below:
    6. phone-auth
  3. App Update:
  4. Follow these steps:
    1. To update your app. Follow the steps:
      1. Step 1: Download and Extract Update Files
        1. Re-download the updated code from CodeCanyon.
        2. Open the current version file on Android Studio or VS Code.
        3. Extract the [project name]-app-update-file-[version-to-version] files in your root project folder or directory.
      2. Step 2: Ensure Flutter and Dart Packages are Updated
        1. Ensure that Flutter and Dart packages are updated to the latest version by running the following commands in your terminal:
        2. Run Flutter upgrade command
        3. flutter upgrade --force
        4. Run Flutter pub get command
        5. flutter pub get

    This should guide you through the installation or setup of the QRPay Phone Auth & Referral.

Note: For assistance with installation or any issues related to the QRPay Phone Auth & Referral, please visit our AppDevs Support . Our support team is ready to help you with any queries or challenges you may encounter.

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  • Server Issues
  • DB Migration Issues
  • Configuration Issues
  • Project Issues
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  • Environment Setup
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  • After Code Modification
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